नमस्ते, my name is Rohit Saini

iOS Engineer

With six years of experience in software development, I specialize in the iOS domain. I have developed an iOS application that streams device screens to browsers using WebRTC and created a server to resign multiple iOS apps with Fastlane and Golang. Currently, I am expanding my skills in Full Stack Development, focusing on React and Next.js. I also enjoy writing about tech and life on Medium and am passionate about fitness.

About Me

iOS Engineer

Hey there, I'm Rohit, and I'm all about bringing the online world within reach. Back in 2016, when my brother gifted me a Macbook Air, my fascination with iOS development took flight, leading me to tinker with tiny apps just for the fun of it. My journey has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride, starting from the humble grounds of a startup and propelling through the whirlwind of a rapid-growth business to the heights of a corporate behemoth – every step a privileged experience. Currently, my focus revolves around weaving together inclusive, accessible products and digital adventures for the vibrant universe of Majid Al Futtaim. Additionally, my curiosity knows no bounds, especially when it comes to AI. I've delved into the world of GenAI and other cutting-edge AI tools, building small yet impactful products that harness the power of this exciting technology.

My Journey


Mar 2022 - Present

Senior iOS Engineer @ Majid Al Futtaim

I spearheaded the complete makeover of the Cart and Checkout Journey, transforming it from UIKit to SwiftUI for an enhanced user experience.

Leading the Post Order experience for Carrefour Mobile App.

May 2021 – Feb 2022

Senior iOS Engineer @ Lambdatest

POC for broadcasting the iOS device's screen to a web browser using WebRTC was successfully completed, which helped attract $45M in funding.

iOS App Resigner was created to resign numerous applications at once, cutting the session starting time by 25%.

Accomplished POC for session restoration of iOS devices using iDevice.

Utilized XCUITest and Bash scripts to automate everyday operations, reducing manual labour by up to 40%.

Jul 2018 – Apr 2021

Senior iOS developer @ App Knit

Completely managed, developed, and deployed 10+ projects.

The company's core codebase was improved by being refactored to match modern best practises, which increased performance and cut memory use by up to 30%.

Participated in code reviews and maintained git hygiene.

My Skills

Coding Skills

Swift 100%

Python 80%



Professional Skills

iOS Development 100%


Next JS40%

Unit Testing100%

XCUITest 100%

WebRTC 100%



Latest Projects

Chat App using Firebase

Built this chat application utilizing the power of Firebase, incorporating SDWebImage for efficient image caching, and Firestore as a reliable database. On top of that, Firebase Auth is seamlessly integrated for a secure and seamless authentication process.

Swift Firebase Firestore SDWebImage


Forthgreen is an app designed to make ethical and vegan life simple.

MVVM AppleMaps

Touch Down (Sports App)

This is a sports app UI built using SwiftUI and Combine. It uses the Dummy json data to populate the UI.

SwiftUI Combine

iOS App Resigner

iOS App Resigner can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.

Golang Fastlane Bash Scripting


LTApp can stream iOS devices screen to web browser using WebRTC data channels.

It also helps to control iOS devices remotely.

WebRTC HttpServer WebSocket